Americans in the 43 states where lotteries are legal spent $70 billion on lotto games in 2014.

Seventy billion? I thought. No, that’s impossible. That’s more than $230 for every man, woman, and child in those states — or $300 for each adult.

But it’s true: According to the North American Association of State and Provincial Lotteries, lotteries took in $70.1 billion in sales in the 2014 fiscal year. That’s more than Americans in all 50 states spent on sports tickets, books, video games, movie tickets, and recorded music sales.

Lottery and Entertainment: Annual Spending in Billions of Dollars

CNN Money/North American Association of State and Provincial Lotteries

In 2021, Americans spent $98. billion on lottery tickets, making it the most popular form of gambling.

In my previous post “5 Strategies Iron Man would do to grow business in 2023”, I mentioned to you I am passionate about strategy #2 from Iron Man by using innovation to drive sales.

To piggyback on the massive appeal of lottery, I wonder why don’t we use the lottery to boost sales & retain customers?

Using state lotteries is obviously out of the question because it’s heavily regulated by laws & regulations.

I keep asking myself questions like “Where can I find the lottery flexible enough to incentivize consumers?”

The answer lies in the 10-year-old technology called “blockchain lotteries”.

Blockchain lotteries are a new and innovative way for businesses to boost sales and retain customers.

By offering customers the chance to win prizes through a secure and transparent blockchain-based system, businesses can create a sense of excitement and engagement, while also building customer loyalty.

In this article, we will explore 10 ideas that businesses can use blockchain lotteries to increase sales and retain customers.

1. Create a promotion where customers can earn a free blockchain lottery ticket with a purchase above a certain amount.

Another way for businesses to use blockchain lotteries to boost sales is by creating promotions where customers can earn a free lottery ticket with a purchase above a certain amount.

This can be an effective way to encourage customers to make larger purchases, as they are essentially getting a free chance to win a prize in addition to their purchase.

To implement this strategy, businesses can work with a blockchain lottery provider like to set up the necessary infrastructure and processes.

When working with uSpenduWin, businesses don’t have to worry about notifying winners or managing daily prize delivery to winners.

The best part is that businesses put ZERO money down to create prizes.

It may be helpful to establish clear rules and conditions for the promotion, such as the minimum purchase amount required to qualify for a free lottery ticket, to ensure that it is fair and transparent.

Additionally, businesses may want to consider offering additional incentives or rewards for customers who participate in the promotion, such as discounts or special offers, to further encourage participation and drive sales.

2. Host a blockchain lottery-themed event or promotion to draw in customers.

Hosting a blockchain lottery-themed event or promotion can be an effective way for businesses to use blockchain lotteries to boost sales and retain customers.

By creating a sense of excitement and engagement around the lottery, businesses can attract new customers and encourage existing ones to make additional purchases.

This strategy can be particularly effective for businesses that operate in the entertainment or hospitality industry, as it can provide an opportunity to create a memorable and enjoyable experience for customers.

To put this strategy into action, businesses can collaborate with a blockchain lottery provider such as to set up the required systems and processes.

With uSpenduWin, businesses do not need to worry about informing winners or delivering daily prizes to winners.

In addition to the fact that businesses do not need to invest any money to create prizes when working with uSpenduWin, customers are entered into DAILY drawing to win.

The winner will be announced every day at 2:30PM ET!

3. Offer blockchain lottery tickets as a prize in a contest or giveaway.

Offering blockchain lottery tickets as a prize in a contest or giveaway can be an effective way for businesses to use blockchain lotteries to boost sales and retain customers.

By creating a sense of excitement and anticipation around the chance to win a prize, businesses can attract new customers and encourage existing ones to make additional purchases.

This strategy can be particularly effective for businesses that operate in the retail or e-commerce industry, as it can provide an opportunity to showcase products or services and create a sense of value for customers.

To implement this strategy, businesses can work with a blockchain lottery provider like to set up the necessary infrastructure and processes.

uSpenduWin takes care of informing winners and delivering daily prizes, so businesses don’t have to worry about those tasks. And, as an added bonus, businesses don’t have to invest any money to create prizes when working with uSpenduWin.

Customers are entered into a daily drawing to win, with the winner announced at 2:30PM ET every day.

4. Include blockchain lottery ticket sales as part of a fundraising campaign.

Including blockchain lottery ticket sales as part of a fundraising campaign can be an effective way for businesses to use blockchain lotteries to boost sales and retain customers.

By offering customers the opportunity to support a worthy cause while also potentially winning a prize, businesses can create a sense of purpose and value for customers.

This strategy can be particularly effective for businesses that operate in the nonprofit or charitable sector, as it can provide an opportunity to raise funds and awareness for a specific cause.

By working with uSpenduWin, customers who support the worthy cause and donate money will have the opportunity to get even more fun and prizes because they will be entered into a DAILY drawing for as long as the organizer wants.

The winner is announced every day at 2:30 PM ET, adding an element of excitement and anticipation for customers.

It may be helpful to consider offering additional incentives or rewards for customers who purchase lottery tickets as part of the fundraising campaign, such as discounts or special offers, to further encourage participation and drive sales.

5. Create a loyalty program where customers earn points or rewards + more chances to win DAILY blockchain lottery

Combining blockchain lottery with a loyalty program where customers earn points or rewards + more lottery tickets from blockchain lotteries for purchasing or spending more can be an effective way for businesses to use blockchain lotteries to boost sales and retain customers.

By providing an additional layer of winning the lottery on top of rewards for customers who purchase on a regular basis, businesses can create a sense of value and encourage them to make additional purchases.

This strategy can be particularly effective for businesses that operate in the retail or e-commerce industry, as it can provide an opportunity to showcase products or services and create a sense of value for customers.

With uSpenduWin, there are many plans for loyalty program to customize the blockchain lottery programs based on their customers’ needs.

The most important point is that besides the service fees to uSpenduWin, loyalty program’s owner doesn’t pay any other fees nor do their customers have to pay any fees. The service fee is all it takes to implement this program.

In conclusion, using blockchain lotteries to boost sales and retain customers can be a powerful and effective strategy for businesses to create a sense of excitement and engagement, while also building customer loyalty.

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