When is the last time you feel welcomed, excited, and positive as a new customer? I bought a lot of stuff for business and personal needs but very few businesses make me feel welcome.

Remember the quote from Maya Angelou: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”? That’s exactly what we are going to do by shining the spotlight on new customers. 

Doing this strategy consistently will make new customers feel excited, positive, and welcomed. In a world where most businesses are transactional, you will stand out as someone who cares and take the time to demonstrate with a short welcome video from you or your team. 

How To Implement This Strategy

  1. Create a short script for you or your team to use when creating a welcome video. Make sure it’s short and creates a warm, friendly, and positive feeling. 
  2. Either you or your team create this short welcome video by your phone or webcam. 
    • I use a tool called Loom to record the video on the laptop and it will automatically create a link for you to send over.
  3. Send it over to the customer. 
  4. For serious action-takers ONLY – you can also post this video on your Facebook public community, addressing customers by name. New customers will feel valued and special.

Recommended Resources

  1. Loom
  2. Your phone/webcam

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