It’s no secret that your customers want to have an exclusive & unique experience. More importantly, they want to belong to and surround themselves with like-minded people with similar interests.

While they may buy products initially for the utility of what your product/service provides, they will stay longer and become loyal customers if you can show them that you “see” them.

For example, Yelp offers an ‘elite status’ for some of its most active contributors. You can recognize your loyal customers by having an exclusive Facebook group for them.

How To Implement This Strategy

  1. To make it exclusive, determine the criteria and qualifications your customers need to achieve to be invited to the group. For example, you may want to invite customers who are an annual paying members or paying at least 6 months or actively promoting your brand. 
  2. Brainstorm what “perks” members from this exclusive group have access to and the business goals (such as incentivizing members to upgrade, cross-selling, upselling, etc)
  3. Make a list of qualified customers to send the invitation to. 
  4. Set up a private Facebook group and invite qualified customers. 
  5. For serious action-takers ONLY – your exclusive group needs to be maintained and add values consistently by having a content calendar daily to pull your members to the business goals from step 2.  

Recommended Resources

  1. Facebook group:
  2. Check out Hubspot’s guide on How to Create a Social Media Calendar: Tips and Templates

If you need help to create a Facebook group or create engaging content that fulfills your business goals, reach out to my team [email protected].

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